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Wisdom Wednesdays: CommonTime Lessons as the Ultimate Sub Plan
Jan 25, 2023 | Michael Skillern

Greetings, arts educators!

This week, we discussed using CommonTime to create engaging substitute plans. How can we do this? Well, there are two great ways:


Custom Lessons

When browsing through our list of artists, there may be many that can not only engage your students, but can also work to your curriculum. For example, band directors can bring in professional musicians via CommonTime to conduct sections. You can bring in a conductor to listen and provide feedback to the group. Art teachers can bring in visual art experts to continue learning instead of just babysitting. The same goes for our drama education practitioners and our dance educators. But suppose that your students are working towards some sort of concrete goal – those goals can be entered into the Custom Lesson form. After selecting an artist you like, click on the Book A Lesson tab. There, a form will appear that allows you to not only set meeting logistics like time and date, but also lesson goals and outcomes. With this feature, you can combine your needs with our wide bank of artists to create an experience your students will not forget. 


Planned Lessons

Let’s say your absence from school is at the last minute. Maybe you don’t have time to plan out a custom learning experience with one of our CommonTime artists. Luckily, many of our artists offer Planned Lessons. These lessons are visible on the participating artist's CommonTime profile, as well as on the Lessons page, and offer you the option to provide your students with a highly engaging cultural arts experience with just a few keystrokes. Simply go into your favorite artist's profile, slide over to the Book A Lesson tab, and then select from one of the artist's well thought out Planned Lessons.


Gone are the days of losing valuable learning time just because you are sick or have a family obligation. With CommonTime, you can feel more secure in your absences. Using CommonTime for sub days is guilt-free, engaging, and sure to give your students a great arts experience – even on your off days!